Hiring Assessment Days​
We know that it can be extremely difficult to hire the right people into sales and commercial roles. Traditional interview processes do not test a candidate's ability to deliver commercial results and favour those who present well, but may not succeed with the true challenges of the role. The cost of bad hires to a business in recruitment costs, retraining and lost revenue is extremely high.
BreakPoint Black has developed versions of its immersive training workshops into hiring assessment days, specifically designed to test candidates in scenarios similar to those they will face in your business.
This approach, initially developed over many years to overcome the notoriously difficult problem of assessing commodity traders has been evolved to challenge candidates in sales and negotiation scenarios allowing you to find out what you need to know before you make a hiring decision.
See into the future with our assessment days.

1 - day immersive assessment day
The Sales and Negotiation Assessment Day puts your group of candidates through a continuously evolving business scenario that tests specifically for key behaviours, attributes and skills that will allow them to succeed in the role.
With a core sales and negotiation scenario which can be modified to meet your bespoke selection requirements, this 1-day process will give you powerful, detailed insight into candidate's ability to perform against the rigours of the role.
This process gives you a window into the future, significantly reducing the risk of uncovering candidate underperformance once you have made the costly decision of hiring and closing the recruitment process.